Saturday, October 22, 2011

Moving Planet

Check out this video taken from's website about Moving Planet day! Also make sure to visit the Tar Sands movement to see how you can prevent President Obama from signing this outrageous bill!
        On September 24, 2011 people all around the world in more than 180 countries participated in the event called Moving Planet Day hosted by In our local site, San Francisco, hundreds and hundreds of people gathered protesting the rise of carbon levels; people were dressed up as polar bears, trains, and endangered species all waving colorful signs protesting the Tar Sands movement. Visit the website to see hundreds of pictures people sent in from their respective parts of the world! It is truly awe-inspiring to see so many people around the world (many from countries I've barely heard of!) do their part in representing their country in protesting climate change.
        I think this global event reminded me of two very important things. One, we are NOT alone in our cause! There are environmental stewards all around the world willing to do everything it takes. And when all of us come together as we did on September 24, 2011, we have the power to not only let our voices be heard, but let our voices be the loudest and most resounding in the minds of our politicians and leaders. So whenever you feel like you are losing your spirit or passion after being bogged down constantly, remember that there is a community out there that is relentlessly fighting alongside you. Secondly, the environment brings people together. After seeing the news on TV reporting about constant struggles with country X, a problem with country Y or some suspicion of county Z, it is hard to feel like we are connected to the world. Moving Planet has blasted down any sense of isolation for me. I feel so internationally bound to everyone, almost like a global family. And the key thing to remember is that as long as our global family is unified we have the power and strength to protect and save the environment!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

None Like it Hot!

While interning at the Ecology Center, I was shown this clip that the center uses to illustrate global warming to teens who previously didn't care. It's a great little clip that definitely made me laugh! Maybe you can use it to show in your environmental clubs at school?

I don't own this clip, the clip is taken from the TV show Futurama.

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