Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Earth Day

I'd like to wish all our readers a very happy Earth Day '08 the best way I know how--with a rather beautiful video, courtesy of the BBC:

I also was interested to see what you all had to say about Earth Day this year. Did it seem bigger than usual? More effective? Sound off in the comments.


Anonymous said...

What a fun Earth Day! We went to three Earth Day celebrations and met great people and learned something new at each one.

At the Berkeley Earth Day we got to shop at the local farmer's market at the same time as people were enjoying the music, dance and solar energy exhibits. It was a really optimistic crowd of environmentalists and I hope there were others there learning to get greener.

Thanks for featuring this beautiful video in celebration of Earth Day.

Anonymous said...

How can we tell if it was effective?

Those kids who spent the morning cleaning the banks of Wildcat Creek were certainly effective. They did their part and had a great time together.

At the West County Integrated Waste celebration, there were a lot of families learning together. They had fun doing it and we can only imagine that when they got back home, the children reminded the parents to continue to be environmentally conscious and active.

Commenting on Dr. Green P's Blog

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