Thursday, September 10, 2009

Ask Dr Green T: Home Sweet Home

What are ways we can cut back on carbon emmisions from our homes?
-Sophie Barrett, Green News Editorial Board Member

What a loaded question with so many answers. There are, as was stated in my previous blog, the numerous ways to cut down on water in your home which can be very beneficial toward reducing costs on your water bill as well as avoiding the waste of water on our planet. Definitely check those out before or after you guys finish with this blog!! :]

First things first, take a moment to calculate the energy audit of your home by clicking Here!! With this knowledge, you may better understand how much CO2 emissions are being produced from certain activities that you have been practicing without conscious knowledge of its negative affects.

Moving forward. One way to decrease one's carbon emissions is by reducing the amount of electricity they consume in their home. By installing Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs (CFLs), you can save "2/3rds of the energy of a regular incandescent" as "each bulb can save $40 or more over its lifetime" ("Reduce...Footprint"). Also, always be sure to turn off your CFLs when leaving a room for more than 15 minutes. However, "in areas where electric rates are high and/or during peak demand periods, this period may be as low as 5 minutes" ("When...Lights"). That'll keep you set as far as lighting is concerned.

I have luckily convinced my family to switch our incandescent lightbulbs to CFls, and I find they are just as efficient as the former. Despite the initial 2-second delay when flipping the switch for your light to turn on, there is no other complaints that I have heard of from this product. It's safe, resourceful, and just as good as the incandescent ones!!

A common energy waster in homes has to do with the heating and cooling systems which residents usually overlook as a major energy-sucker. "By turning your thermostat back 10°–15° for 8 hours, you can save about 5%–15% a year on your heating bill—a savings of as much as 1% for each degree if the setback period is eight hours long" ("Thermostats...Systems"). Imagine that! With this in mind, during the winter season, try moving the temperature of your thermostat 2 degrees lower than you normally would; while in the summertime, be sure to increase the temperature by 2 degrees than that of the usual level you would have used.

A quick final note, when shopping for energy-saving appliances, be sure that your products contain the "ENERGY STAR" label on them which certifies that they are authentic.

Dr. Green T

Works Cited:
"Reduce Your Carbon Footprint." 2009. Web. 19 Sep 2009.

"Thermostats and Control Systems." Energy Savers. 24 Mar 2009. U.S. Department of Energy, Web. 19 Sep 2009.

"When to Turn Off Your Lights." Energy Savers. 24 Feb 2009. U.S. Department of Energy, Web. 19 Sep 2009.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is it environmentally and morally correct for "Earth Team" to serve meat hot dogs to volunteers, knowing that meat production (especially hot dogs) is the #1 cause of global warming?


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